
We are lovers of sport and nature, for that reason we want to contribute to get a better world. For each purchase you make in Padel Kiwi and leave us an opinion, we will plant a tree.

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See forest of Padel Kiwi

Benefits of planting trees for human beings


Trees are fundamental pillars as for humans and for the environment. They benefit us purifying water, air, and creating better social conditions. Trees also benefit the environment by providing homes for various ways of life, cooling our climate and improving our soil.


The trees purify the water and stop the rain filtering it through its roots. This process prevents erosion and reduces the risk of saturation and floods.

Water supply

Approximately 1/3 of the world's largest quites depend on protected forest areas for a large proportion of its drinking water. 


Oxygen production

Trees and forests are usually known as "the lungs of the planet" for a very simple reason: they produce oxygen. It is estimated that 0.4 hectares of trees can provide the oxygen levels required for 12 people for a year.

Absorb harmful gases

In addition to absorbing CO2, trees also absorb harmful and pollutant gases such as sulfur dioxide, ozone, ammonia, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides.


The trees cool the surrounding air providing shadow and for a process called cooperation by cooled. This is where the trees give off drops of their branches that cool the area that surrounds them when they evaporate.

Social benefits

Medicinal properties

Many medicines from the trees, their leaves and their flowers of different species are extracted. These are normally used in phytotherapy, but many of the components used in the pharmaceutical industry are based on substances originally extracted from trees.

Developing countries

Many of those who live in conditions of extreme poverty in the world live near a forest area. The food, drink, and materials obtained from these forests can add up to 28% of the total earnings per household in some tropical and subtropical regions.

Mental health

It has been shown that trees and nature improve mental health and cognitive ability both in healthy individuals and those who suffer from mental illnesses.

Benefits of planting trees for the environment



Forests are home to approximately 80% of earthly biodiversity in the world. This includes from small invertebrates to large mammals.


The trees also host large amounts of insects, with trees such as birch and sauce housing more than 300 species of insects.

Prevents extinction

Up to 100 species a day could be extinguished due to the loss of tropical jungles.


Carbon dioxide capture

Natural forests capture CO2, acting as carbon dioxide laundry. Every year forests and trees absorb the equivalent of 2 billion tons of CO2, approximately 1/3 of the entire CO2 detached in the burning of fossil fuels.

Carbon dioxide storage

Deforestation accelerates climate change by detaching CO2 reserves. Approximately 18% of global emissions come from deforestation (5-10 GTCO2E), which exceeds the entire transport sector worldwide.



The trees make the ground less prone to erosion. The tree canopy also provides protection for the lower layers of the soil.

Nutrient recycling

Tree waste (usually in the form of fallen leaves) allows nutrient recycling between trees and soil.

Soil structure

The roots of the trees loosen the upper soil layer and increase the porosity in the subsoil. In addition, the constant carbon source from perennial trees benefits the microorganisms of the Earth, which unites soil particles improving its structure.

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